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      • ??贏CP敏捷資格證書培訓模擬題

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      1. A user story Is:

      1. A、A story that illustrates the profile of a typical end-user
      2. B、A day in the life of a user of the system
      3. C、A small,granular unit of work that results in added value to the customer
      4. D、The collection of all the requirements that the customer wants in a Scrum project。


      1. A、一個闡述說明最終用戶的故事
      2. B、系統用戶生活的一天
      3. C、一個可以給客戶增值的小型顆粒狀工作單元
      4. D、客戶在敏捷項目中的要求收集


      2. The customer is satisfied with the achievements made by the agile team for six years and products. The customer is now deciding the future role of scrum chief. how should the customer do?

      1. A、Let scrum master continue supporting the project,and accept the participation into other projects
      2. B、Because the team has successfully mastered agile practical technology,dissolve scrum master
      3. C、Let PO serve as scrum master,and let PO provide successful product knowledge
      4. D、Let Functional Manager play the role of scrum master and ask them to provide some information about functions

      客戶對敏捷團隊六年來的績效及產品感到滿意,客戶現在正在決定 scrum 主管的未來角色,客戶應該怎么做? 

      1. A、讓 scrum master 繼續支持項目,但是同時也接受他們參與其他項目
      2. B、因為團隊已經成功的掌握了敏捷實踐的技術,解散 scrum master
      3. C、讓 PO 擔任 scrum master 的角色,并讓他們提供成功的產品知識
      4. D、讓職能經理扮演 scrum master 的角色,并讓他們提供關于職能領域的一些信息


      3. If you are an Agile Project Manager,what is the BEST measure of success of your project?

      1. A、The project delivered maximum value to the customer
      2. B、The project was on time and on budget
      3. C、The customer received all the promised features
      4. D、The project with the documented scope delivered"


      1. A、項目交付給客戶的價值最大化
      2. B、該項目在規定時間和預算內完成
      3. C、客戶收到所有要求的產品功能
      4. D、項目有記錄范圍交付



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